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WP2 – Communication.
This action aims to concern fishermen associations, general public, municipalities and policy makers at local level about the importance of maintaining well preserved benthic communities and become involved in the project activities. Besides it aims to arouse the interest of policy makers at national and European level, governmental agencies, international NGOs and scientific community in the project and its results. Specific activities are:
- To develop and implement a communication plan (Done)
- Creating and updating a microsite.
- To organize launching and closing sessions to transmit to fishermen the characteristics of the project, the relevance of their cooperation and the economic benefits that adopting good fishing practices that preserve the seabed may have on the fishing activity.
- To publish brochures and manufacturing of informational materials to be distributed throughout local communities.
- To publish a documentary video from remote-operated vehicle recordings obtained as a result of WP6.
- Submitting scientific communications about the project.
- To organize a final international conference/congress on artisanal fisheries and benthos conservation in Tunisia at the end of the project.
- Developing a publication to provide an overview of the project and its outcomes.