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Environmental sustainability: ENPI CBC Med projects Capitalization Event

ECOSAFIMED is participating in the capitalization event dedicated to the ENPI CBC Med projects belonging to the thematic cluster “Environmental sustainability”.

The event, taking place in Rome on 28 October 2015, is the last capitalization event on environmental challenges to be held under the 2007-2013 Programmeaims.

The objective of this meeting is to provide a platform for networking and exchange of good practices among institutions and organizations active in the field of environmental sustainability.

Over 30 ENPI CBC Med projects will be part of the event. During the morning session eight projects were presented. Mrs Elena sancho, the representative of ECOSAFIMED, introduced and shared the results achieved. Later, during the afternoon session, five different working groups were organized by projects categories:
-          Water management;
-          Waste treatment and recycling;
-          Renewable energies and energy efficiency;
-          Protection of the environment and natural resources;
-          Integrated coastal zone management.

Under the last mentionned category: Integrated coastal zone management, Mrs Sancho had the opportunity to learn from other Mediterranean cooperation experiences such as MESP, MEDJELLYRISK, MED-PHARES, MAPMED, M3-HABs and GREAT Med projects.

For more information:

Fecha del evento: 
Wednesday, 28 October, 2015 - 08:30