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ECOSAFIMED project partners and its associates meet and collaborate to contribute to international marine policies

The next meeting of the ECOSAFIMED project took place in 22nd- 24th July 2015 in Barcelona.
Partners from Spain, Italy and Tunisia presented the preliminary results of the project to the associates on the 23rd of July. Project associates include national and international institutions such as IAMC (Messina, Italy), RAC/SPA, IUCN, GFCM-FAO and MedPan among others.
Considering the high potential for impact and replicability of the project at Mediterranean basin and global level all participants engaged in a collaboration process aimed at promoting the exchange of information and experiences while contributing to the EU Directives and to the Barcelona Convention.

Fecha del evento: 
Wednesday, 22 July, 2015 - 09:00 to Friday, 24 July, 2015 - 18:00